Giving Thanks ~ Days 1 & 2

Well, I know I have joined the Thankful on a Thursday blog hop, but I also came across a wonderful Blog Challenge hosted by a lovely lady named Leah. The challenge is to post something you are thankful for in your side bar each day in November. I will be posting my list in my sidebar and then elaborating on my thankfulness in a post if God stirs my heart so. I am excited about this because I feel that Christians especially have become far to complacent towards our Creator. Our Savior. Our Father. We treat God like a vending machine but we give him so little praise for all he has done, is doing, and will do in the future. So hop over to South Breeze Farm and link up and share what YOU are thankful for!I look forward to reading the posts and rejoicing with others!

Since I am starting on Day 2 I thought I would go ahead and post about my husband and my son. I have two daughters as well that I will be posting about.  I thought this would be a good time to tell you a little about my family.

(Day 1}

My husband. He is amazing! I could look the whole world over and not find a man who even compares to who he is. God has placed him in my life and I am eternally grateful for this blessing of marriage! Big Daddy T is 6'5 - hence the "Big" in his name lol! He is funny, intelligent, and godly. He is the youth and recreation pastor at our church and really has a heart for families. He is patient, kind, passionate, compassionate, and caring. I love him, can you tell? :) He is also a wonderful daddy. My children adore him and look forward to seeing him every evening when he gets home and they scramble for snuggle time in the mornings when they are awake. What a joy it is to be "help meet" to this man!

{Day 2}

My Tater Tot. He is such a wonderful little boy. He is already asking so many questions about God and Jesus and Heaven and Hell. He is funny like his daddy - who is his hero by the way. He loves superheros, spiderman especially :) The kid can has been able to do puzzles since he was 18 months old and can build really cool things out of legos. He is sensitive to peoples feelings and wants to make them happy and he is my little snuggle bug. It feels like I just brought him home yesterday....where have the past five years gone?


Sarah said…
awww, great post!
And I love your metaphor for God "vending machine"
Too true!!!!!

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