What's in the Box - Kindergarten

We have switched up some things since the beginning of the year because what we were doing was not "clicking" with Tater Tot, so here is a look at what we are up to these days. These are some things I put in his boxes and we also do our morning circle time together and usually some arts and crafts and playtime outside.

Hooked on Learning Maze and Puzzle Book

Hooked on Phonics review of letter sounds and review of beginning words

Thanksgiving themed memory game found at kidssoup

Hooked on Phonics CD Rom for some computer games to review what he has learned

Letter sounds matching game for review

Some pattern block worksheets that are a little more difficult

Spelling with letter tiles and Thanksgiving sight words

A Reason for Handwriting K - we just switched to this curriculum and love it!
These sheets are more of a review for Tater Tot but I am making him do it so that he can really
 get correct letter formation down pat. He's doing GREAT!

Math with dinosaur counters. I found a counting bear book on sale at a  Mardel
Christian supply and am just using dinos that a friend loaned us instead of bears.

Some reading to go with our learning about Thanksgiving. We all will
read these books together. We enjoy our reading time a lot!


Kecia said…
I read both "box" posts, and it all looks so wonderful! :) And those dinosaurs are yours; don't you dare give them back! But I would like to borrow your thanksgiving books...
This Beautiful Mess said…
Thanks friend! I will talk to you about the books! Love ya!

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