30-Day Blog Challenge - DAY ONE

So I have decided to join the 30-Day Blog Challenge hosted by Katie at Katie's Journey. The first days requires you to introduce yourself,  post a recent picture, and post 15 interesting facts about your wonderful self. Sound like fun? Join in!

I am Lil' Mama J and I live in a small town in Arkansas. I am a homeschooling mama to three little blessings and wife to the most amazing man who happens to be a youth pastor. I love the Lord and have a desire to raise our children to have an impact on the Kingdom through passionate example. Our life is crazy, messy, beautiful, and we like it that way!

15 Interesting Facts About Me:

1. I was once hit on at the Louisville Public Library main branch by a guy who   gave me his number on a random bone he pulled from his pocket. Creepy and gross on so many levels I know..

2. I am hopelessly devoted to Cherry Cokes from Sonic!

3. One day I plan on owning a kayak. Preferably a sit-on-top  that someone just gives me because they love me. Ha ha!

4. Out of dedication and undying devotion to the sheer and utter excellence of the Crimson Sound Marching Band I once flung my body selflessly under the wheels of a tractor. Actually, that is a classmate's version written in one of my yearbooks. I was in the pit (for those of you who are thinking NASCAR, not so much. Try xylophones, marimbas, timpani, wood blocks, etc.) and was putting a snare drum onto the bed of the equipment trailer when the driver decided it would be an appropriate time to begin moving. Thus my toes were flat and sprained but not broken due to the fact that I was wearing army boots - thank goodness our theme was Miss Saigon that year!

5. Singing is something I could do 24/7. I have been known to completely wear out my friends who play guitar really well from having non stop sing-fests :) 

6. I have a sister with severe special needs and I know my life is drastically different because of her. She has taught me so much about love, acceptance, and patience and I love her dearly.

7. I would love to go hang-gliding one day!

8. If I could go through the list of every person I have hurt in my past and apologize personally to each and every one - I would in a heartbeat.

9. Today I discovered what raisins look like when they are not chewed and digested properly. Thank you, Wiggle Worm for expanding my horizons in the scariest way possible ;)

10. I wish that I could let every single person in the world know that they are special and amazing and that God has a plan and a purpose in life for each of them. There are so many hurting people out there that don't know how different life can be with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

11. Although there is not a bone in my body that responds well to team sports and I will probablynever play one, I LOVE watching college basketball. Let's just say I am mad for March Madness!

12. I am married to THE most talented man in the world. Yep, my hubby can make himself sound just like a weed eater. No joke!

13. I cannot whistle. Sad but true.

14. There is a journal entry of mine that reads: "My biggest fears are being a stay-at-home mom, a pastor's wife, or working a normal 9-5 job." I'm thinking God got a good chuckle out of that one!

15. My life is blessed beyond anything I ever imagined or even deserve. There is always something to thank the Lord about. Always.

Go to Katie's Journey and link up your post and join in the fun! 


I cannot whistle either! So glad you are joining us for the challenge! I am looking forward to getting to know you a little better over the next 30 days!
This Beautiful Mess said…
Me too Katie! I was impressed by your bog. You seem to be a godly, passionate young woman and I am encouraged by that!

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