30 Day Blog Challenge ~ Day 17

Something You are Looking Forward To

1. Being debt free.
2. Going on a family mission trip once the kids are a bit older.
3. Growing old and gray with my best friend and love of my life.
4. Falling more in love with Jesus.
5. A cup of Crimson Cup coffee whenever I have a chance to get one.
6. Christmas.
7. Watching my kiddos grow up and learn and develop as people. 
8. Being there when my children enter into a love relationship with Jesus Christ (I pray pray pray!)
9. Being a Grandparent someday. I know that's weird but I do!
10. Leaving a legacy through raising a godly family.


Abundance Yeah said…
Great Blog! New follower from blog hop http://abundanceyeah.blogspot.com/

Remember to enter Abundance Yeah Spice and Rub Giveaway

Checkout Buy One Get 2 Free this week on my blog plus 2 cookbooks.
This Beautiful Mess said…
Yay! I follow your blog now too :) Btw you are not showing up as a follower on my blog - could ya try again? Blessings!

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