Nine Years

Nine years ago today I said, "I do," to my best friend and partner in crime. Granted, nine years is not a long time in the grand scheme of, say, 50 years, but folks, a lot has happened in nine years! We have ministered in two different churches in two VERY different states, given life (with God's help) to four beautiful children, and now we find ourselves on this new journey toward military life. It's been a wild ride with many ups and downs but I can honestly say that there is no one else I would rather go through this life with than my husband.
I am thankful for my wonderful man for so many reasons. Here are a few:
He loves the Lord.
He loves God's word.
He loves people.
He is genuine.
He messes up and isn't afraid to admit it.
He says, "I'm sorry." And means it.
He loves me for who I am, even the messy parts!
He plays tea party with our daughters.
His sense of humor keeps our marriage very entertaining. I can't help but laugh at him even when I am annoyed to no end :)
I can hear him talking to our children about Jesus and God and answering their sweet questions. It makes my heart just soar that they have a daddy who is sharing His love for the Lord with them.
He is genuine.
He is humble.
He is an amazing counselor.
He appreciates my cooking :)
I love how my head fits right in the indentation in his chest and I can hear his heart beat.
I love how he rests his chin on my head when he hugs me.
He can sing - and I LOVE singing with my hubby!
He is honest.
He works hard for our family and for me to be able to stay home.
He is the most handsome man I've ever known.
He has given countless "horsey" rides to our children even when his knees were hurting.
He likes to clean :)
He is a wonderful preacher/teacher.
He is resilient. Even in his failures, I've watched him rise above and learn from them - and come out better.
He watches chick flicks unashamedly.
I make him laugh.
We often know what the other is going to say before they say it.
He is my best friend and we have fun together. I love him more than I ever thought was possible. Happy Anniversay, honey - Love you!
Miss you-
Kecia - Miss YOU too!!!!