The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside My Window...

Crickets chirping, a light breeze is blowing, and the sky is a deep blue.

I am thinking...

how amazingly blessed I am. God has been so good to us. HE is AWESOME!

I am thankful for...
my husband who sees the real me and loves me with the love of Christ.

From the learning rooms...
gearing up for a summer of learning fun! Researching ideas, planning, and we have started bird watching and nature journaling. Fun!

From the kitchen...
Crock Pot Zuppa Toscana, fresh homemade salsa, and hopefully trying a recipe for Sopapilla Cheesecake - YUM!

I am wearing...
gray sweatpants, blue-gray maternity shirt and bare feet.

I am creating...
a new look in my kiddos rooms with new paint and wall decorations. Pics soon to come!

I am going...
to head to bed for some much needed R&R in just a few moments!

I am reading...
my One Year Bible, and The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

On my mind...
Wondering what this new little one is going to look like and be like. Feeling the tiny kicks of my fourth child in my swelling belly. Such a gift!

Around the house...
painting, decorating, cleaning, and loving my family and God in each mundane task I endeavor to complete each day.

One of my favorite things...
Those moments in the morning when our children make their way into our room and snuggle in our bed and we laugh and giggle and tell stories. Such sweet moments!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Ultrasound to find out who this little one is! SO EXCITED! I can't wait until Friday! 

A Picture or Thought I am Sharing:

Next Sunday we will say goodbye to some sweet friends. This is a picture of one of our last days with them. From Left to right in the back is our friend JW and his daughter LW,  My husband, Big Daddy holding our Drama Mama and our friend's little boy CW. From Left to Right in the front: Our son, Tater Tot, our friend HW holding her son, MW, then me holding our  little Wiggle Worm and carrying our fourth little one in my belly which is hidden lol!


Lori said…
I love the new look and always enjoy reading your blog. So glad that you are having a good pregnancy.
This Beautiful Mess said…
Thank you, Lori! God is GOOD!

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