Update Part One (I'm Baaack!)

Well, I am back. Who knows for how long but here I am. I am going to post a series of updates in the next few days so bear with me. The last time I posted was nearly a year ago - yikes! Sorry about that. It has been a whirlwind of a year! T completed ODS (Officer Development School) and went straight to Chaplain School for 7 weeks in South Carolina. We actually got to visit him for 10 days (12 if you count traveling - I don't) and that was really fun. We were nothing but a big fat distraction but I have a feeling he didn't mind much! I thought I would share a few pics from that trip:

They were SO excited to see daddy!

Drama Mama  almost cried, she was so happy :)

Daddy reunited with The Bubs :)

Tater Tot had to show daddy his latest Lego creation

Daddy in his NWU's with The Bubs :)

With the whole gang

We got to go to the Columbia Zoo and had a blast!

Daddy even got to go with us once!

The girls with their daddy

Tater Tot on a ropes course with daddy

While in SC I got to see my best friend!

The girls aying goodbye to daddy :(

The boys :(

All in all we had a wonderful time and were so thankful to be able to visit him in the middle of school. What a blessing! Okay, this is just the beginning of our update. Stay tuned for more!


This Beautiful Mess said…
I am so sorry it took so long to reply. Thank you for visiting and thank you for following! I will visit your site soon, as well! Blessings! ~ Misty

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