30 Day Blog Challenge ~ Day 24
Something I've Learned
We could be here forever....but since I know none of you have anything better to do.... ;) Just kidding!
1. I am selfish. There is nothing like marriage and motherhood that sheds light on just how self-centered one truly is. Both are a privilege and a 24-hour job at the same time. It is self-sacrificing and tough at times, but the rewards far outweigh anything I could have ever imagine. God has used the roles of help-meet for my husband and mother to my children to mold me more and more into His likeness. Oh, He is truly not done with me yet (those who really know me just shouted a hearty AMEN! to that) but I am a work in progress. A masterpiece of the creator. And for that, I am grateful!
2. Prayer is our lifeline as Christians. This is our line of communication with our first love. We need to pray at all times. Without ceasing. In sadness and in joy, in weakness and in times of strength, in sickness and in health, we should always be in communication with our Father for He loves us and hears us when we pray. Even when we don't feel or see it.
3. Christianity isn't about religion, it's about a relationship with Christ. The temptation is to make life about a set of do's and don't when in reality it is about learning more about who Christ is and allowing ourselves to be made more and more into His likeness. As an outpouring of what He did for us, His sacrifice on the cross, our lives will bring Him glory and honor and praise.
4. I am rich. I have been blessed beyond measure. As I have read the word and other books by great Christian men and women, I've come to the realization that life is about more than accumulating possessions. It's more than being safe and living a good life. It's about taking risks, making sacrifices, and loving others. There is a world out there racked with pain and sorrow. We are to be light into that dark world. Be Jesus to the world. This is what life is about!